4.9. While a Capture is running ...

While a capture is running, the following dialog box is shown:

Figure 4.3. The "Capture Info" dialog box

The "Capture Info" dialog box

This dialog box will inform you about the number of captured packets and the time since the capture was started. The selection of which protocols are counted cannot be changed.


This Capture Info dialog box can be hidden, using the "Hide capture info dialog" option in the Capture Options dialog box.

4.9.1. Stop the running capture

A running capture session will be stopped in one of the following ways:

  1. Using the " Stop" button from the Capture Info dialog box .


    The Capture Info dialog box might be hidden, if the option "Hide capture info dialog" is used.

  2. Using the menu item "Capture/ Stop".

  3. Using the toolbar item " Stop".

  4. Pressing the accelerator keys: Ctrl+E.

  5. The capture will be automatically stopped, if one of the Stop Conditions is exceeded, e.g. the maximum amount of data was captured.

4.9.2. Restart a running capture

A running capture session can be restarted with the same capture options than the last time, this will remove all packets previously captured. This can be useful, if some uninteresting packets are captured and there's no need to keep them.

Restart is a convenience function and equivalent to a capture stop following by an immediate capture start. A restart can be triggered in one of the following ways:

  1. Using the menu item "Capture/ Restart".

  2. Using the toolbar item " Restart".